Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!
I have had terrible bursitis pain in my right shoulder since Christmas eve, 2017. Have been on various analgesics (on and off) since with varying degrees of success. I stumbled upon your product a few days ago and thought “What the heck, I’ll give it a go as nothing else has worked”. I’ve used the […]
Hi Toky, Just received patches this afternoon. Thank you for the prompt service. I am pleased we found you on the internet. The product does help Warm regards
I have been prescribed XXXXXXXX 750mg for my shoulder. Tendonitis or bursitis, my Doctor said. The anti inflammatory meds were working well until I moved some furniture for my wife and then the pain came right back with a vengeance I put a patch on my shoulder last night and was amazed when I removed it […]
Dear Folks in Australia,
I have just placed my third order with you for your OSMO Patches because they do work and I am so impressed with how they work. No one here at my end has ever seen anything like your patches and I love telling people about them.
I suffer from a Baker’s Cyst and so far, this is the only thing that alleviates the swelling. As you say in your literature, it doesn’t really cure the Cyst but it does give it relief. Amazing!!!
Best wishes
Hi, I ordered these patches for my father 6 weeks ago also…. They do work. Thank you. I have ordered more today. Please post a.s.a.p.
Hello Toky,
4 more patches to go, and I can report great improvement!
I can bend the knee, the lump in the back is so much smaller, (by half?) I think. Not even thinking of a drain needle and cortisone shot at this point.
Thank you so much.
My husband healed his bursitis of the elbow with your patches. –
They are amazing, and he is now using 2 patches on each knee at night for knee swelling, and it seems to give him amazing relief from cramps in his legs that kept him awake throughout every night for years.
He has used everything from niacin to bars of ivory soap between the sheets.
Thank you I have received my 2nd packet of patches. Already had relief
- Steroid & drug free
- Non-invasive
- Pain free
- Natural
- Patented
- 90 day money back guarantee (Conditions Apply)
We offer a 90 days no questions asked money back guarantee.
(Conditions Apply)
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