Ankle & Heel Pain

Ankle and heel pain is a particularly common complaint in both men and women. There are several common causes for pain in the ankle and pain in the heel. It is necessary to make a correct diagnosis of the cause, so that you can avoid any further injury and begin the proper treatment.

Below we shall look at some of the most frequent causes for ankle or heel pain and you will learn how you may start your journey to becoming PAIN FREE naturally without the use of drugs or steroids.

Is ankle pain or heel pain stopping you from jogging, playing sports, wearing your favorite pair of shoes… or even stopping you from properly walking any distance?

The ankle is one most injury-prone parts of the body whereas the heel is easily irritated by overuse of the foot. The ankle joint is an intricate network of bones, muscles, ligaments, and tendons. Both the ankle and the heel bear the whole weight of your body. Having to support this weight means that when an ankle injury or heel injury does occur then the pain can be so intense that it will generally result in an inability to participate in most physical activities. In particular ankle pain and heel pain will limit jogging, playing sports and even walking for long periods of time in severe cases. Furthermore, many people with ankle pain or heel pain find that they are restricted by which pair of shoes they can comfortably wear.

Did you know that active people and inactive people are both susceptible to heel pain and ankle pain?

As active individuals are often participating in sports, exercise or outdoor activities their heels and ankles are constantly under different loads and stresses which makes them very susceptible to injury. That said, ankle pain and heel pain is not just limited to the fit and healthy… being inactive can lead to the muscles around the heel and ankle becoming very weak, providing poor strength and support around the heel and ankle.

Is your injury acute or chronic? Knowing this could actually help expedite the recovery!

When heel or ankle pain occurs it will normally be ‘sudden and acute’ or ‘slow and chronic’. If you are able to identify which of the 2 categories your pain falls into then this may be extremely helpful in identifying and eliminating the cause, which may then dramatically expedite the recovery.

Identifying what activity or footwear causes or increases the intensity of the pain will help allow you to develop a strategy to assist with recovery!DOWNLOAD FREE REPORT

It is possible that the foot or ankle pain that you’re experiencing is only prominent when you are doing certain activities or wearing particular footwear. Alternatively you may be feeling constant mild-severe pain even whilst resting. Either way, the level of pain resulting from an ankle or heel injury can be extreme and also debilitating, therefore you should identify the cause as soon as possible so that you can limit any further injury and begin the process of recovering.

Have a read of the list below; these are the most common causes of ankle pain and heel pain. Once you have identified the cause of your pain from the list you can then simply click on the associated link to discover some of the possible activities or causes that should be avoided to reduce the risk of further injury.

We shall also discuss the existing treatment options… and see how the OSMO Patch, our 1oo% Natural treatment together with proper rest is ideal for supporting the reduction of inflammation and the relief of pain caused by many of these common heel and ankle injuries. You may also wish to watch the video provided to learn exactly how the OSMO Patch works.

Common Causes of Ankle and Heel Pain

It can be said that most ankle and heel pain causes fall into four main categories: tendon tear or inflammation (bursitis or tendinitis), instability, wear & tear s or fracture.

1. Heel Bursitis

Bursae are small fluid filled sacs that work like cushions between bones and overlying soft tissues, they help by reducing friction between muscles and bones. Impact or overuse of the heel can cause these cushions to swell as they become inflamed. This condition is known as heel bursitis. The types of bursitis in the heel include Retrocalcaneal Bursitis and Achilles Bursitis. For further information and to discover how the OSMO Patch can help relieve swelling and the associated pain due to medically diagnosed Retrocalcaneal Bursitis and Achilles Bursitis simply click on the link below.

» Heel bursitis treatment

2. Achilles Pain

One of the major causes of ankle pain is due to an overuse injury of the Achilles tendon. This is known as Achilles tendonitis and you will usually recognize this injury by the sharp stinging pain that greets you as soon as you place weight on it in the morning. Many cases of Achilles tendonitis occur because of the wearing of tendon resulting in small micro-tears. Degenerative changes such as wear & tear can also cause Achilles tendonitis. For further information and to discover how the OSMO Patch can help relieve swelling and the associated pain due to medically diagnosed Achilles tendonitis simply click on the link below.

» Achilles treatment

3. Plantar fasciitis

Plantar fasciitis occurs when the fibrous band of tissue that connects the heel to the toes (called the plantar fascia) becomes inflamed. This pain normally occurs after long walks or prolonged standing and can be felt as foot arch pain or heel pain. For further information and to discover how the OSMO Patch can help relieve swelling and the associated pain due to medically diagnosed Plantar fasciitis simply click on the link below.

» Plantar fasciitis treatment

4. Wear & Tear

Wear & Tear in the ankle can cause swelling and pain and may also lead to heel bursitis or Achilles tendonitis. For further information and to discover how the OSMO Patch can help relieve swelling and the associated pain due to medically diagnosed heel bursitis or Achilles tendonitis simply click on the link below.

» Heel bursitis treatment
» Achilles tendonitis treatment

5. Fractures or broken bones

Fractures and breaks in the ankle will usually cause extreme pain and should be treated directly by a medical professional as soon as possible.

(Always consult a medical professional for a proper diagnosis to ensure there is not a more serious injury or underlying cause that may need immediate medical attention.)

Note: Not suitable for individuals with seafood or shellfish allergies.

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Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Achilles Enthesopathy

I used this patch from yesterday.

My first patch application was wonderful. I feel no pain and discomfort on my retrocalcaneal area.

After removal of patch I could see some fluid or discharges like a chocolate color discharge on my applied area.

Bibin J
VIC Australia
Bursitis in the ball of the foot

Hi, I have had bursitis in the ball of my left foot for 2 months and it was suggested I have a cortisone injections. This freaked me out and decided to look online for a natural remedy and found these.

Well after 2 nights of the patches the pain and swelling have reduced a huge amount.

I am so impressed I will recommend this product to anyone who asks of the benefits.


Zoë H
QLD, Australia)
Ankle and hips (trochanter bursitis)

Thank you very much.

I have used the patches on three areas with amazing results. One was on my ankle, 12 hours later the pain was completely resolved. The other two were on my hips for greater trochanter bursitis.

Both hips feel not completely pain-free, but a dramatic difference.

So thank you, and I have to say I am amazed.

Mandi D
NSW, Australia
Bursitis in heel

Dear Wonderful Mediwise Pty. Ltd.

My brother bought your patches for the bursitis in my heel.

After the first patch on Tuesday, I saw no results. After the second patch, I was actually worse. Then while wearing the third patch yesterday, I was thrilled to see improvement…so much so that I cancelled the appointment that I had with the doctor…scheduled for today!

Now I’m using the fifth patch, and of course am anxious to see what the end of today will bring.


Judy B
Georgia, United States
Heel bursitis

Hi Toky, the patches are starting to offer relief for my son’s heel. He is finally looking on the bright side.

Over the past month, he has had 2 drainages, 2 cortisone shots, and referred to 2 different specialists. The end result was either an operation to shave the bone, reattach the tendon and be off his game for a season…..not his option.

So I started the patches on him that night. The next day relief was evident. We have used 6 so far and he can now feel the bone in his heel. It is still red, but nowhere as bad. Still tender, but not as painful.

Thank you so much.

Colleen O
NSW, Australia
Ankle (Achilles Bursitis)

About 2 years ago I developed bursitis on my right ankle which was extremely painful. I tried traditional physio, ultrasound, laser, and stretching to no avail.

I discovered the OSMO Patch website and decided to keep an open mind and try the OSMO Patch.

After all those months of continuous pain, much to my surprise, I experienced a significant improvement such that I can now walk several kilometers, and am not in constant pain all day long! I have now ordered a 3rd set of Patches, and am sure these will end the problem entirely.

Dave Livingstone
British Columbia, Canada
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