Frequently Asked Questions

The following FAQ’s provide advice to frequently asked questions about the OSMO Patch, including general usage and safety information. If the answer to your question is not found here, then please feel welcome to fill out and send the form below and we shall attempt to answer your question as soon as possible.

  • A bursa sac is an extremely important compartment found through our body. It can be regarded like a flat balloon with a small portion of oil in the middle. Imagine now that these balloons lay between regions within the body which move against one another, (like inside joints) and you can see how this would permit minimum friction and wear on the bones and cartilage by permitting a smooth gliding effect to take place.

    Of course the bursa isn’t really a balloon, actually the bursa sac is essentially made from a special kind of tissue called synovial tissue which is highly vascularized and permits the controlled movement of water and tiny molecules to and from the inside space of the bursa. The oily substance in the middle of the bursa sac which supplies the gliding effect is named Synovial fluid. A major element of healthy and normal synovial fluid is Hyaluronic Acid (HA), a very long chain molecule that gives synovial fluid its viscosity and gliding effect, but which isn’t readily capable of being transported or lost via movement across the synovial tissue.

  • Bursitis is categorized as a soft tissue injury and it’s the condition which happens when a bursa sac becomes inflamed. This could happen because of a variety of reasons like; a repetitive injury, a sudden impact injury, sporting injury or as a result of an underlying inflammatory condition.

    As the synovial tissue of the bursa sac (See: What’s a bursa sac?) is extremely permeable to water and tiny molecules, then instantly following injury to a joint where a bursa sac is located, an immediate acute inflammatory reaction will result and the bursa shall fill with inflammatory fluid (water and inflammatory molecular mediators), along with a local cellular response.

  • The OSMO Patch is less then the cost of a visit to your treating specialist.

    At just $39.95 (plus fixed postage) for a 10Pk Box, this will provide you with enough patches for a 10 Day treatment.

    Furthermore you can save approximately 20% if you take up our 20Pk special with the one fixed price postage cost.

    This 20Pk SPECIAL is only $69.95 (plus fixed postage) & this will provide you with enough patches for 20 Days treatment.

    The patches are worn during the night and discarded in the morning (single use). Usually one patch is worn each night (approx 8-10hrs) over the affected area, although more than one may be worn if required.

    It is impossible to know honestly how many patches you shall need as everybody’s condition is different. Some of our customers find total relief from 1 or 2 boxes of 10 packs and we also do have several customers with chronic conditions that use the patches for temporary pain relief on a need to basis as they have underlying conditions that continue to cause flare-ups’.

  • A Baker’s Cyst is a type of Bursitis found behind or about the knee joint and is categorized as a soft tissue injury and is the condition which results when the bursa sac in this area becomes inflamed. This could happen because of a variety of reasons like; a repetitive injury, a sudden impact injury, sporting injury or as a result of an underlying inflammatory condition.

  • Primary treatment of soft tissue injuries are based mostly on the rules of R.I.C.E (rest, ice, compression, and elevation) and Avoid H.A.R.M (Heat, Alcohol, Reinjury. These are stated to be most critical in the 48-72 hours following the injury1.

    Soft tissue injuries frequently result in bleeding and tissue damage followed by an inflammatory phase that is a necessary part of the tissue repair2. Though the inflammatory process is a very important component of healing, when it continues for too long a period it may cause further swelling and this could then be negative to the process of healing2. The aim of R.I.C.E is to reduce the amount bleeding and leakage of inflammatory mediators into the affected tissue to minimise the amount of swelling and associated pain and discomfort.

    If swelling is minimised early, this will help the injury to resolve quicker and should also result in a reduction of pain.

    Immediately following a soft tissue injuries a release of prostaglandins and histamines will occur within the injured area and damaged capillaries will leak cellular waste (water, dissolved electrolytes and proteins) into the encompassing tissue2. White blood cells are then recruited into the region to get rid of damaged tissue. As soon as the process starts, fluid accumulates in the intercellular space causing oedematous swelling. A decrease in swelling is frequently associated with a decrease in pain and discomfort. This could be a result from the reduction in pressure and/or a decrease in pain mediators in the associated tissue.

    While the body has inbuilt mechanisms to get rid of oedema through re-absorption, it doesn’t always do this efficiently, which can then lead directly to an extended process of healing, continuing pain and the likelihood of chronic inflammation followed by the formation scar tissue2. Additionally there are other factors that may also lend to delayed healing. These may include non compliance with R.I.C.E in the primary 48-72 hrs, or an injury sustained in an area that might not easily or readily allow for adequate support and/or rest.

    In such circumstances as mentioned above, the utilisations of NSAIDs or steroids are commonly advised to reduce and control the level of inflammation, swelling and associated pain. Unfortunately not all people respond well to treatment with these classes of medicines. Additionally, there are contraindications and risks connected to each of these classes of medicines.

    The extract below is from the Victorian Government better health website and is pertaining to the treatment for bursitis:

    “Treatment will depend upon the cause of the bursitis. Treatment aims to alleviate the symptoms as much as possible while the healing process takes place. Options may include pain-killing drugs, cold packs, gentle mobilising exercises and rest. Anti inflammatory medications or injections of corticosteroids may be used in cases of severe pain.

    If infection is present, there is usually warmth, redness, pain and swelling in the areas affected. Treatment with an appropriate antibiotic is necessary. If the bursitis was triggered by overuse, it is important to avoid the particular activity.

    Correct posture and joint protection are useful and braces or splints can decrease the stress on the areas and support good alignment. After a major attack, it is important to consider how recurrences can be prevented.”3

    1. Vic Gov DHS, (2008), Soft Tissue Injuries (Sprains and. Strains) Fact Sheet
    2. Kumar V, et al. (2005). Robbins Basic Pathology 7th edition, (Chapter 2) W.B. Saunders Company: 33-59

  • It is essential to understand that our patches shouldn’t be regarded as a cure for your condition. There might also be underlying causes which continue to set off your injury, for example inflammatory disease and excessive or repetitive strain just to name a few. Instead our patches are a alternative natural treatment option to the existing medication, steroids and intrusive treatment choices which currently exist. They are meant to help the area heal by naturally removing the excess fluids as well as inducing blood flow to the area. Presuming that there’s no underlying inflammatory disease It shall then be up to the individual using the patches to properly rest the area and to identify and if at all possible avoid any physical or repetitive activities so to permit full recover.

  • No. It is very important to have doctor inspect and examine your injury if there’s an sign of infection or an existing open wound. Your health practitioner will probably prescribe antibiotics in the situation that an infection is present.

  • The patches are applied and worn through the night and then discarded in the morning (single use). Normally one patch is worn each consecutive night (approx 8-10hrs) over the area affected, although more than one can be worn if required.

  • As not every ones condition is exactly the same It’s not possible to answer exactly how many patches you shall need. Some individuals find total relief from 1 or 2 boxes of 10 patches while other individuals with chronic conditions use the patches for temporary pain relief on a as needed basis as they have underlying conditions that continue to cause flare-ups’.

  • One of the great things about the OSMO Patch is that it actually does not contain any ingredients. Ingredients are substances that are either ingested or intended to be absorbed into the body, and as such, ingredient labeling is commonly required for foods, cosmetics, drugs, and similar products.

    The composition of the patches is neither ingested nor intended to be absorbed into the body. Therefore, unlike oral medicines or medicated slow-release transdermal patches, the OSMO Patch contains absolutely no drugs or other ingredients. They actually fall under the same classification as a band-aid or bandage, which also do not work via releasing active or inactive ingredients into the skin.

    While the particular composition of the patch is a company trade secret*, the patches are made to stringent GMP standards. However, it is important to note that one of the compositions in the patch is the crustacean derivative ‘carapace powder,’ so if you are allergic to shellfish or seafood, then the patches should not be used.

    Please be aware that labelling laws do not require a medical device to have an ingredients list for the reasons above. However, any material/s in the composition that may be a known allergen must be labelled.

  • No, we do not use latex or PVC in the adhesives. The adhesives are instead made from thermoplastic rubber; Styrene-isoprene-styrene rubber (SIS) coated onto a spunlace non-woven Fabric.

    If you are allergic to thermoplastic rubber; Styrene-isoprene-styrene rubber (SIS), then you should not use the adhesives supplied. If you are unsure, then it is always best to cut a small test strip to try before full use.

    If you are allergic and you still wish to try the patches, you can consider buying your own low irritant adhesives from a chemist or otherwise you may consider using a bandage as a substitute for holding the patch in place if appropriate.

  • No. The patches contain the crustacean by-product ‘carapace powder’, so if you’re allergic to shellfish or seafood then the patches shouldn’t be used.

  • Do not panic, while it is uncommon for this to happen, it can occur. This is typically due to an irritation or allergic response to the adhesives that the individual wasn’t previously aware that they had. If this occurs, simply discontinue use and the rash should clear within 2-3 days. We do recommend cutting and trying a little test strip of the adhesive prior to use.

  • No. There are absolutely no drugs, hormones or any kind of medications in the patches.

  • Yes, our patches are absolutely natural and don’t interact with any medications. They may be used by diabetics and people using blood thinners like Warfarin.

  • Yes, our patches are absolutely natural and don’t interact with any medications. They may be used by diabetics or individuals taking cholesterol lowering medication (statins).

  • The patches haven’t been evaluated for use on children and therefore we do not recommend using the patches on children under the age of 13 years.

  • The patches may be worn over most areas of your body where there is swelling, inflammation or pain; however you shouldn’t apply the patch directly to the eyes, mucous surfaces, genital organs, anus, external wounds, rashes or sores.

  • The patches haven’t been evaluated for use on pregnant women or while breast feeding and therefore we don’t recommend the use of the patches while pregnant or during breastfeeding.

  • There are several medications and procedural treatment options available, and you need to do what you feel is the best for you. Our product has been developed for;

    • People that have attempted other treatment options without successes,
    • People who can’t take anti-inflammatory medicines due to gastro-intestinal irritation,
    • People who can’t take anti inflammatory medicines due to contraindications with other medications, and
    • People that wish to take a natural and non-invasive approach to their treatment.
  • The patches may vary in the quantity of fluid seen after use from person to person, however do not forget that the patches work in 2 ways. The first is by stimulating blood flow to the area which can prompt healing. The second is by removing excess fluid. This is the reason why it’s best to focus on how the actual area is improving instead of the visual appearance of the patches.

    It’s important the patches maintain good contact with the skin and should be applied over the affected area just before going to sleep, or they may become loose and lose contact with the skin. Also strolling around a lot before bed can make the powder collect at the base of the patch. It is important that the powder is uniformly spread before applying the patch.

    Some individuals have reported that the patches work better when a fine mist of water is sprayed directly on to the skin first prior to the patch being applied as this helps the patch to maintain good contact (It is important to properly dry the area of skin where the adhesive is to be applied if you use this approach).

  • Please see our Guarantee, Returns and Refunds Policies for our current policy

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Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

Good morning

We have been using your patches for a few days now and we find them helpful.

They are draining fluid from the cyst and that is a good sign.


Andy S
QLD, Australia
Baker's cyst

Hi Toky,

Thank you very much for sending the patches to Ukraine.

My mother finds them very helpful and asked if I could get her more.


Vitaliy V
Ternopil Region, Ukraine
Baker's cyst

Hi Toky,

Received the patches yesterday.

Thanks to you from the old lady for whom I keep purchasing these patches from you. She says these patches are really working wonders on her leg.

Best regards

Ash M.
Ontario, Canada
General Bursitis

Dear Toky,   Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll look forward using the patches again as they were so successful last time.   Kind regards

Merle O
London, United Kingdom
General Bursitis

To Toky, Customer care, I wanted to inform you that I’ve ordered more patches. My partner and I were totally amazed by this product. We have seen a significant difference in the size of his bursitis. It’s getting smaller after every use, and we both feel that having extra would be beneficial. It’s a shame […]

Annette A
Ontario, Canada
Joint Pain

FYI: this is my 2nd order, as I ordered a box of 10 a few weeks, ago. After using the patch 3 times, I am already noticing a grand affect. Cheers!

David M
FL, United States
Bakers cyst on the knee


I got the patches yesterday evening. I have had five knee operations on my right knee and have arthritis. I also have a baker’s cyst on the back of my knee and off to the front.

I tried it last night and I was surprised at the results and it actually took away some of the swelling. I work out every other day and I think these will help.


Leo J
Alabama, United States
General & Knee problems


I have used your patches with great success for a bursa that I got when I was thrown from a horse.

I have used it also for my husband’s knee.


Joan G
North Carolina, United States
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