
The OSMO Patch is now available in many countries.

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If you do not see a stockist in your area, you can order directly online or alternatively you may ask your local health supplier to stock them.


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Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Excruciating pain of bursitis

Please pass on my eternal thanks for this product. I would like to say how wonderful the patches are.  I am proof that they work. I am 80 years old and had the excruciating pain of bursitis for 10 days. I used up three boxes of painkillers to no avail.  Then in desperation looked on […]

Mavis S.
Gartempe, France
Hip problems


I had a sore hip muscle at the back of my hip. The Dr. said we will drain the fluid out then give you a Cortisone shot. I said no way my hip was so sore it was painful sitting and going up stairs.

I ordered your patches and the first night they came I applied it, the next morning the powder was hard, I guess from being wet. As soon as I stood on it, no PAIN, I woke up my wife and said it works.

It is still a little sore, when you sit. But it’s 99% better.

Ray W
Ontario, Canada
Bakers Cyst on the knee

Hello Toky,

4 more patches to go, and I can report great improvement!

I can bend the knee, the lump in the back is so much smaller, (by half?) I think. Not even thinking of a drain needle and cortisone shot at this point.

Thank you so much.

North Carolina, United States
Baker's Cyst

I don’t know how to submit a testimonial, so I am just sending you a thank-you note.

I had a baker’s cyst over a year ago, and with time (months), it diminished. Doctor said he did not recommend anything but the R.I.C.E. therapy (which helped some). Thought it was a one and done, but no. Fast forward a year and after “dancing” on a ladder to paint the garage, I remember a knee twinge and within ten days, another swelling in the back and very painful.

A neighbor mentioned she had the same issue and used your patch. Had an extra one for me to try. All I can say is, “Wow” and “Thank you.” In one use, I can walk more comfortably and not cringe every time I sit down and stand up. I’ve ordered more.

Regina L
GA, United States
Knee problems

Dear Toky,

Some time ago I corresponded with you and was duly sent 10 patches to try for bursitis of the knee. As I am a Carmelite Nun, our life is dedicated to prayer so kneeling is rather important!! I kept off the knee for a long time before trying the patches and found it helped to ease the condition, however, it still felt painful to kneel.

After using the first night, sure enough, there were signs fluid had been drawn off. The second night the same. The area became flat and normal. I have gingerly begun kneeling again with knee pads. However, I have noticed there is now no pain and the knee looks perfectly normal.

This was a couple of weeks ago, and I thought I would give it a good go to make sure before informing you of the patches’ success! So that is good news, and I am delighted.

I would also like to mention that your attitude to your customers is exemplary and obviously sincere. I am very grateful and will certainly recommend them.

Thanks, Every blessing

Carmelite Sister (Sr)
Carmelite Monastery, Christchurch, New Zealand
Baker's cyst

Hi Toky,

Thank you very much for sending the patches to Ukraine.

My mother finds them very helpful and asked if I could get her more.


Vitaliy V
Ternopil Region, Ukraine
Knee Bursitis

Hello Jasmine,

I just wanted to say that my husband has been using the patches for a few days now and they have definitely made a difference to his knee.

I have brought some more from one of your UK stockists, The Health Workshop, and they, like you, could not have been more helpful.

Thank you!

Pamela A
Welshpool Powys, United Kingdom
Shoulder Bursitis

I have worn the patch for 2 months and it has drained the fluid out of shoulder and reduced the pain significantly.

Steve R
TX, United States
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