What is Bursitis?

Bursitis is categorized as a soft tissue injury and it’s the condition which happens when a bursa sac becomes inflamed. This could happen because of a variety of reasons like; a repetitive injury, a sudden impact injury, sporting injury or as a result of an underlying inflammatory condition.

As the synovial tissue of the bursa sac (See: What’s a bursa sac?) is extremely permeable to water and tiny molecules, then instantly following injury to a joint where a bursa sac is located, an immediate acute inflammatory reaction will result and the bursa shall fill with inflammatory fluid (water and inflammatory molecular mediators), along with a local cellular response.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst


I recently ordered the OSMO Patches and have already felt the pain decrease on my baker’s cyst.

Thank you.

Patricia N
Arizona, United States
Bursitis in the ball of the foot

Hi, I have had bursitis in the ball of my left foot for 2 months and it was suggested I have a cortisone injections. This freaked me out and decided to look online for a natural remedy and found these.

Well after 2 nights of the patches the pain and swelling have reduced a huge amount.

I am so impressed I will recommend this product to anyone who asks of the benefits.


Zoë H
QLD, Australia)
Hip problems


I had a sore hip muscle at the back of my hip. The Dr. said we will drain the fluid out then give you a Cortisone shot. I said no way my hip was so sore it was painful sitting and going up stairs.

I ordered your patches and the first night they came I applied it, the next morning the powder was hard, I guess from being wet. As soon as I stood on it, no PAIN, I woke up my wife and said it works.

It is still a little sore, when you sit. But it’s 99% better.

Ray W
Ontario, Canada
Buristis (the size of a hardball) in elbow

So, I had bursitis (the size of a hardball) in my elbow. Three doctor visits (3) draining visits but swelling returned instantly.

Tried your patches and after 10 apps. it has completely disappeared!

Thank You

Ed L
Washington, United States
Baker's cyst

I have used the patches for a week now and am happy to say that the swelling of my bakers cyst has reduced to the point of very little pain now. I am so pleased that I will tell my consultant about the patches, and my daughter who is a holistic nutritionist. She will recommend […]

Marianne N
Arezzo, Italy
Baker's cyst

I received the patches. Thank-you. I am happy with the results and will use this product in the future. Thanks,

Kevin G
Arizona, United States
Baker's cyst

Hi Toky, I am amazed at how fast this patch worked!  I felt relief the very next morning, all the stiffness having gone and I was able to walk up and down the stairs much more easily.  I think I will now try a patch on my kneecap where I’ve had inflammation for a long […]

Erika A
Ontario, Canada
Baker's cyst

Dear Sir or Madam: I purchased the OSMO patch several weeks ago and just started using them 4 days ago for my Bakers Cyst behind my knee.  I must admit I was very skeptical but I have noticed a change and less swelling in the area behind my knee.   Thank you

Karen B
Illinois, United States
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