Ash M.

Hi Toky,

Received the patches yesterday.
Thanks to you from the old lady for whom I keep purchasing these patches from you. She says these patches are really working wonders on her leg.

Best regards,


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

Hi Toky,

Thank you very much for sending the patches to Ukraine.

My mother finds them very helpful and asked if I could get her more.


Vitaliy V
Ternopil Region, Ukraine
Bakers cyst on the knee


I got the patches yesterday evening. I have had five knee operations on my right knee and have arthritis. I also have a baker’s cyst on the back of my knee and off to the front.

I tried it last night and I was surprised at the results and it actually took away some of the swelling. I work out every other day and I think these will help.


Leo J
Alabama, United States
General Bursitis

Thank you very much.  I used the patches from a previous order for 10 days and they helped a lot. I am hoping that by continuing to use them, my condition with bursitis will be completely cleared up. I will let you know the results.

Nancy K
South Carolina, United States
Hip bursitis

Hi, My 81-year-old mother has been suffering from hip bursitis for several years.

She got some relief from regular corticosteroid injections. However, the last time she had this treatment, the injection was not carried out properly and she was in agony for several days. Consequently, she has been frightened to receive this treatment again, and the pain was getting progressively worse. She had not been sleeping and could not walk far.

I found the OSMO website and thought I’d give it a go. My mum has just completed the first course of 10 patches, and she has a completely new lease of life. It really is amazing how quickly this treatment has had an effect. She has been sleeping much better and walked further at the weekend than she has for many months. I have ordered a further 20 patches. Many thanks.

David P
Glasgow, United Kingdom
Baker's cyst

Hello! I wanted to write to let you know that I truly feel that a combination of your OSMO patches and infrared laser treatments on my knee have nearly cured my knee.  I had a probable torn miniscus, and had developed a baker’s cyst behind the knee from the injury.  I am a very active […]

Linda M
Michigan, United States
Bursa in elbow

Thank you so much for your attention and immediate response to my e-mail.

About 9 months ago I slipped on a ladder and banged my elbow which resulted in a bursa sac; This was the first time ever, but about two months ago it happened again. Your patches worked great both times. They significantly reduced my recovery time.

Thanks again!

Kent A
Florida, United States
Elbow Bursitis


Patches were amazing only needed 2 to get my very fluid swollen elbow to go significantly down.

This was after 3 weeks of no other solution so VERY VERY HAPPY.

Many thanks!

Gavin P
Langford Bristol, UK
Fluid on knee

I had a sac of fluid to the upper-right of my knee. Quite large. I continued to pursue my daily routine which consisted of morning workouts at the gym including ‘spin’ class. Needless to say, I aggravated the whole situation. My leg became swollen, and quite painful. It was only after the swelling went down did I notice the sac.

Upon searching myself for possible causes, I came across your site and since it was a ‘natural’ remedy, I didn’t think it would do any harm. I’ve had good results with other natural products, so why not give it a try.

After three days on the patch, I found that the sac pretty much dissolved. Was I going to heal anyway? Maybe. Was it the combination of natural healing and the stimulation of the patch? Maybe. In any event, I am now sac free.

Vickie M
Rhode Island, United States
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