Debbie S

Hi Toky

I have received my patches and used one last night on my hip. It’s an absolute miracle!! I have been suffering on and off for three years with Bursitis on my left hip.  My GP has given me cortisone injections and anti inflammatorys both of which have given some relief but not lasted and certainly not to this effect. I am due to have physio in the near future also.

I appreciate it has not cured the cause, but at least now I can work on that without the constant pain, and worse off all the lack of sleep.
A big thank you


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

Hello Danniel,

Thank you for your prompt reply.

I started using the patches about 10 days ago, and the amount of improvement is unbelievable. The lump was rock hard, and I could not bend the knee, nor straighten the leg. Even though there is still some swelling, the knee feels almost normal. I have run out of the patches, so will restart as soon as I receive the new batch…hopefully it will all go away.

Thank you for your help, and good luck..

Maria P
SA, Australia
Bursitis in the knee


I ordered these patches for my son who has terrible bursitis in his knee. He owns a carpet installing business, and the constant kicking has really damaged his knee.

He took meds, had a steroid shot, nothing worked. The doctor told him he needed surgery. I had found your patches online, and they have worked for him.

Thanks so much, Sincerely

Sandra C
Rochester, United States
Hip bursitis


Just to let you know, I had bursitis so bad in my hip I was missing work.

A co-worker had some of your patches and told me how well it worked for him. In four days the pain in my hip was all gone.

I don’t know what magic is in those, but thank you.

Connie H
Colorado, United States
Baker's cyst

Hi Toky,

Thank you very much for sending the patches to Ukraine.

My mother finds them very helpful and asked if I could get her more.


Vitaliy V
Ternopil Region, Ukraine
Bursitis in the hip

I have always been a very active person over the years. A couple of years ago I developed quite a discomfort in my left hip. I attempted to ignore it, but after much deliberation went to see a doctor. After scans it was diagnosed as bursitis. I went for cortisone injections twice, but it really did not ease the pain much.

After coming across the OSMO patch website, not having anything to lose, I immediately ordered 10 of the patches. I placed a patch on the affected hip for a total of three nights. I was absolutely stunned that after the third application, the pain in my hip had disappeared. It was a few weeks before I actually needed to reapply any more patches due to a small amount of pain returning. I assume that the problem will always be there, however, it is very comforting to know that the OSMO patches are available so that you can virtually live pain-free.

Extremely happy that I stumbled on the website.

Bruce M
WA, Australia
Hip bursitis

Hi Toky,

I have received my patches and used one last night on my hip. It’s an absolute miracle!!

I have been suffering on and off for 3 years with Bursitis on my left hip. My GP has given me cortisone injections and anti-inflammatories, both of which have given some relief but not lasted and certainly not to this effect. I am due to have physio in the near future also.

I appreciate it has not cured the cause, but at least now I can work on that without the constant pain, and worse off all the lack of sleep.

A big thank you

Debbie S
East Sussex, United Kingdom
Elbow bursitis

My elbow and shoulder were both injured at the same time, which were attended to by a highly respected orthopaedic physician.

After treatment, my shoulder fully recovered but the bursitis continued in full bloom. My doctor did not suggest draining it because the bursitis would likely return. After 7 weeks of no relief I researched the Internet for answers. That is when I discovered your product. On applying your patch to my elbow for 3 days the bursitis disappeared.

Simply amazing. Thank you!

Robert F
Florida, United States
Bursa in elbow

Thank you so much for your attention and immediate response to my e-mail.

About 9 months ago I slipped on a ladder and banged my elbow which resulted in a bursa sac; This was the first time ever, but about two months ago it happened again. Your patches worked great both times. They significantly reduced my recovery time.

Thanks again!

Kent A
Florida, United States
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