Les S

Hi Danniel,

I wanted to send you a testimonial on the patches for my bursitis.  I woke up one Saturday morning and saw a bulge on my elbow. I noticed there was fluid in there. As I’ve never had bursitis before I never knew what it was. I immediately put on my jacket to go the clinic, but then decided to Google it. I read many forums and found out that many people opted to have the fluid drained. That was not appealing to me at all!

I saw the sponsored link for OSMO Patches and ordered them. I got an email telling me when they were shipped, and received them within 10 days. After using the first 3 patches I noticed my bursitis getting smaller. After the 9th one it was almost gone, then totally gone after the 10th patch.

Using your patches saved me from having a doctor drain the fluid…thanks!!! If I know of anyone with bursitis I will be sending them to you ASAP!


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's Cyst

I just want to let you know that I had a very painful Bakers Cyst behind my right knee. I had around 20 patches, one each night and the cyst has gone.

Such a great relief from the pain.

I am back again buying more as I have some fluid on top of the knee, but thought I would mention it to you.

Kind regards

Carole M
London, UK
Hip bursitis

Hi Toky,

Thank you for the prompt delivery of Patches. They arrived early Tuesday morning.

My wife used one last night on her hip and was surprised to find this morning that it was damp. There was a marked decrease in pain in the bursitis area. Of course, it is far too early to judge results yet, but the signs are encouraging so early. We will let you know later how the treatment performs over time. The location in the hip area will be a very good test, being so deep-seated.

Thanks again,

Kindest regards

Bob & Marjorie B
NSW, Australia
General Bursitis

Hi, I ordered these patches for my father 6 weeks ago also…. They do work.  Thank you.  I have ordered more today.  Please post a.s.a.p. 

Jaskarn S
Peterborough, United Kingdom
Baker's cyst


I recently ordered the OSMO Patches and have already felt the pain decrease on my baker’s cyst.

Thank you.

Patricia N
Arizona, United States
Baker's cyst

Hi Toky, how are you? I ordered the patch because I have a meniscus tear on my knees which allows fluid to build into a baker’s cyst. The cyst I have on my right knee is larger than the left. So bending my knees is very uncomfortable because of the pressure and can be very […]

Debra W
Alberta, Canada
Baker's cyst

Hi Just a quick note that I feel I needed to write about the OSMO Patches. In September I tripped over while running and fell on my knee which left me with a fractured bone at the back of my knee which in turn ruptured my cruciate ligament. Although back on track now after various […]

Kim C
South Yorkshire, United Kingdom
Baker's Cyst

I don’t know how to submit a testimonial, so I am just sending you a thank-you note.

I had a baker’s cyst over a year ago, and with time (months), it diminished. Doctor said he did not recommend anything but the R.I.C.E. therapy (which helped some). Thought it was a one and done, but no. Fast forward a year and after “dancing” on a ladder to paint the garage, I remember a knee twinge and within ten days, another swelling in the back and very painful.

A neighbor mentioned she had the same issue and used your patch. Had an extra one for me to try. All I can say is, “Wow” and “Thank you.” In one use, I can walk more comfortably and not cringe every time I sit down and stand up. I’ve ordered more.

Regina L
GA, United States
Hip bursitis

Hi Toky,

I have received my patches and used one last night on my hip. It’s an absolute miracle!!

I have been suffering on and off for 3 years with Bursitis on my left hip. My GP has given me cortisone injections and anti-inflammatories, both of which have given some relief but not lasted and certainly not to this effect. I am due to have physio in the near future also.

I appreciate it has not cured the cause, but at least now I can work on that without the constant pain, and worse off all the lack of sleep.

A big thank you

Debbie S
East Sussex, United Kingdom
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