Ray W

I had a sore hip muscle at the back of my hip. The Dr. said we will drain the fluid out then give you a Cortisone shot. I said no way my hip was so sore it was painful sitting and going up stairs.

I ordered your patches and the first night they came I applied it, the next morning the powder was hard, I guess from being wet. As soon as I stood on it, no PAIN, I woke up my wife and said it works. It is still a little sore, when you sit. But it’s 99 % better.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

General Bursitis

Dear Toky,   Thank you for your prompt response. I’ll look forward using the patches again as they were so successful last time.   Kind regards

Merle O
London, United Kingdom
Elbow bursitis

Thank you. Just to let you know, your product is supreme!

I’d been suffering with bursitis on my elbow for months, but now it’s totally healed in just two applications.

Thank you so much.

California, United States
Fluid on knee

I had a sac of fluid to the upper-right of my knee. Quite large. I continued to pursue my daily routine which consisted of morning workouts at the gym including ‘spin’ class. Needless to say, I aggravated the whole situation. My leg became swollen, and quite painful. It was only after the swelling went down did I notice the sac.

Upon searching myself for possible causes, I came across your site and since it was a ‘natural’ remedy, I didn’t think it would do any harm. I’ve had good results with other natural products, so why not give it a try.

After three days on the patch, I found that the sac pretty much dissolved. Was I going to heal anyway? Maybe. Was it the combination of natural healing and the stimulation of the patch? Maybe. In any event, I am now sac free.

Vickie M
Rhode Island, United States
Baker's cyst


I got my patches. I used it for 12 hrs last night.

The patch was wet and my knee feels better.


Garrett B
Arizona, United States
Baker's cyst

Hi there!

I’ve been wanting to write you about your product, OSMO Patches.

I have a baker’s cyst behind my knee that I’ve had aspirated three times at great expense. After the third time of aspiration, the doctor injected steroids, stating that I most likely wouldn’t ever have another problem. Well, my cyst began to return in about 3 days and was soon as large as it had been before my procedure. Tears.

Long story short, I went online and found your product, OSMO Patches. I was so excited to try it. The first night nothing really happened; but the second morning when I removed the patch, I couldn’t believe my eyes! I was thrilled!!! It really worked! I kept using your patches and after about a week my cyst was hardly noticeable! AND THAT’S THE TRUTH!!

Thank you so much for developing OSMO Patches, I’m still amazed as to how they work?!


Terry M
Oregon, United States
Baker's cyst


I recently ordered the OSMO Patches and have already felt the pain decrease on my baker’s cyst.

Thank you.

Patricia N
Arizona, United States
Bursa in elbow

Dear Toky,

My patches arrived on Feb. 10th. I have now used 9 of the patches, wearing one sometimes during the day.

I have noticed significant results, although there is still some swelling in the bursa in my left elbow.

George A
Utah, United States
Baker's cyst

Dear Toky,

Thank you for your answer. My cyst is on the medial ventral surface of my knee. I have been placing the patches directly on top of the cyst, although it cannot be seen, but I know where it is from the ultrasound studies and the pain.

I believe the area is healing and am very pleased with your product. I keep losing my cane and that is a good sign and means I am needing it less every day.

Thank you again.


Jackie H
Ohio, United States
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