Discover what our customers say about the OSMO Patch for Elbow Bursitis treatment

Customer Reviews and Testimonials for Elbow Bursitis Treatment with the OSMO Patch

The OSMO Patch has now helped so many people with ElbowBursitis from all around the world. Many of these individuals had been suffering ongoing pain for many months and even in some cases years before discovering the OSMO Patch. In most cases they had either tried anti-inflammatory medications, injections with steroids, syringe aspiration, or a combination of one or more of these. Some individuals were even ready to consider surgery.

Bursitis in the elbow can often make even everyday activities difficult, dramatically impacting your quality of life. Your doctor will normally offer either anti-inflammatory medication, an injection with cortisone or aspiration of fluid from the elbow using a syringe assuming there is a visible lump (this is usually rather a painful procedure for the majority of people).  Such procedures are often considered as being painful and invasive. You may just prefer to first try and use a natural treatment for your elbow bursitis. As these testimonials and reviews show, the OSMO Patch has been applied successfully as treatment for Elbow Bursitis by many people.

In accordance with the FTC guidelines concerning use of endorsements and testimonials in advertising please be aware: Testimonials presented are applicable to the individuals depicted and may not be representative of the experience of others. These are individual results and results do vary and are not necessarily representative or indicative of future performance or success of all of those who will use our product/s.

The testimonials displayed in images may be shortened. The unabridged testimonials are available in the testimonial section on this website.


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Baker's cyst

I used the patch for 3 days and I do a difference in the size of the cyst, how many days in a row can the patch be used? Any restrictions?

Elizabeth C.
New Jersey, United States
Popiteal cyst

Dear Toky, Thank you for the OSMO Patches they arrived Friday 18th February just five days after I placed an order! OSMO Patches have the Wow factor. I used two patches at a time, one on the popiteal cyst and one on the calf. After four days the popiteal cyst was so much better. I […]

Bernice M
Avon, United Kingdom
Bursa on knee

Dear Friends at MediWise,

I had what a nurse practitioner at St. Thomas’ Hospital in London called ‘that huge bursa’ on my right knee as a direct result of falling from the top of a railway staircase when the city was inundated with a snowfall and resulting ice.

I received your patches the day before yesterday, and after two nights am now completely back to normal. I cannot thank you enough. This is one of the BEST investments I have ever made, and I will certainly be happy to recommend it to anyone who is looking for rapid relief from bursitis.

Cheers for now,

Bruce W
London, United Kingdom
Shoulder Bursitis

I have had terrible bursitis pain in my right shoulder since Christmas eve, 2017. Have been on various analgesics (on and off) since with varying degrees of success. I stumbled upon your product a few days ago and thought “What the heck, I’ll give it a go as nothing else has worked”. I’ve used the […]

Allan W
NSW, Australia
Hip problems


I had a sore hip muscle at the back of my hip. The Dr. said we will drain the fluid out then give you a Cortisone shot. I said no way my hip was so sore it was painful sitting and going up stairs.

I ordered your patches and the first night they came I applied it, the next morning the powder was hard, I guess from being wet. As soon as I stood on it, no PAIN, I woke up my wife and said it works.

It is still a little sore, when you sit. But it’s 99% better.

Ray W
Ontario, Canada
Shoulder bursitis and tendentious

Eight years ago I had a work place accident and injured my left shoulder (bursitis and tendentious). After extensive physio & sports rehab the doctors advised me to get cortisone injections.  Not only was this a painful procedure, it didn’t work! I proceeded to have physio treatment off and on for the next 8 years, […]

Belinda W
SA, Australia
Knee problems

Dear Danniel,

I fell 1.5 meters landing on my patella. The pain was severe, after 2 weeks on crutches I was left with a fluid-filled bursa the size of half a golf-ball. I already had a swelling just below my kneecap for 5 years, and another specialist had thought this was probably a lipoma.

I’ve used 16 patches so far, in conjunction with acupuncture. The bursa began to shrink from the first patch, and is now almost gone. I’ve been able to return to my Taiji classes. What is more surprising is that the ‘lipoma’ also has almost vanished.

So, no invasive needle drainage for me, no surgery, and I’m recovering fast.

I am very impressed

Paul S
Auckland, New Zealand
Swollen elbow almost half the size of a tennis bal

After noticing a swollen lump on my elbow almost half the size of a tennis ball, I visited my doctor who explained it was a bursa and could be drained but would likely re-occur. Like others, I found your website and decided to “give it a go” although being a little skeptical.

While waiting, my doctor drained it by needle, but it re-filled within 3-4 days as predicted. When the patches arrived, I immediately used them with skepticism. The next morning, I could not believe my eyes, it was covered with similar fluid as the doctor had removed and again after 3 more.

My elbow is now back to normal, and I have no hesitation in recommending them to anyone with similar problems.

Brian L
Auckland, New Zealand
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