Bursitis is the irritation and inflammation of a bursa. A bursa is a small lubricated balloon like sac found throughout the body. These sacs help bones and tendons to articulate and glide over each other by reducing friction and irritation. There are a number of possible causes of bursitis and these include overuse and repetitive strain, a sudden impact injury, several autoimmune diseases as well as other disorders.
The OSMO Patch has now helped so many people with Bursitis from all around the world. Many of these individuals had been suffering ongoing pain for many months and even in some cases years before discovering the OSMO Patch. In most cases they had either tried anti-inflammatory medications, injections with steroids, syringe aspiration, or a combination of one or more of these. Some individuals were even ready to consider surgery. We invite you to read the testimonials below to see what our customers have to say about the OSMO Patch for treatment of their bursitis.
The testimonials displayed in images may be shortened. The unabridged testimonials are available in the testimonial section on this website.