Hip Bursitis Information

Last reviewed on 16 January 2024 by Danniel Jacques (B.Med.Sci UNSW)

What is Hip Bursitis?

Hip Bursitis - OSMO Patch - USWithin the hip there are several small lubricated sacs that act as cushions. These are called bursae and they help reduce friction and pressure between bones, tendons and muscles moving across each other. When injury or overuse occurs to the hip one of these bursa can then become inflamed resulting in tremendous pain and discomfort… this condition is known as hip bursitis.

Hip bursitis normally occurs in two different areas of the hip and both are the cause of ongoing hip pain. There are two main types of bursitis hip pain and they are;

» Trochanteric Bursitis
» Ischial Bursitis

Hip bursitis pain should not be left untreated as it may become chronic which could then lead to scar tissue formation and further irritation and pain.

What Causes Hip Bursitis?

There can be many causes for hip bursitis. It is common to see hip bursitis develop in people that run or play sports that involve a lot of running such as soccer and football. There is also a fairly high prevalence of hip bursitis in older people after a fall or hip surgery. Basically anyone at any age can develop bursitis in the hip and the common causes can be simply broken down as;

  • A sudden impact to the hip
  • Repetitive movements, stress and strain to the hip
  • Wear and tear
  • Underlying inflammatory condition

What are the Symptoms of Hip Bursitis?

Signs and symptoms of hip bursitis can include;

  • Pain in the hip when lying in bed,
  • Pain in the hip when walking, jogging or running,
  • Tenderness and discomfort in the hip even at rest.

Hip bursitis can occur on either side of the body and may present as either right hip pain or left hip pain depending on the location. In some situations the condition can exist bilaterally (both sides at the same time). Bilateral hip bursitis may be a sign of an autoimmune condition or due to a secondary injury after shifting ones body weight from the side which was initially affected to the other side (over compensating or guarding).

How is Hip Bursitis Diagnosed?

There are many different causes for hip pain that may require different treatments. In order to rule out or understand if there are other underlying causes to your hip pain it will be necessary to visit a qualified medical professional in order to get a proper diagnosis.

As there is rarely any external visual swelling associated with bursitis in the hip it will be difficult to properly diagnose with just a visual and physical examination.

If your doctor suspects that your pain is due to bursitis in the hip then they will likely require an x-ray and ultrasound to properly confirm the diagnosis.

Your doctor may feel that is prudent to also order blood tests or/and an MRI if they suspect any co-existing condition or other possible causes.

Next Page: Learn the answers to the most common questions asked about treating hip bursitis, including:


Real accounts by real people. Hear what they have to say!

Trochanteric Bursitis

Dear Toky,

I wanted to let you know that the Bursitis Patches have worked on my Trochanteric Bursitis.

I cannot believe it. I do not have the pain or swelling there that I have had before. It is very cool. I just wanted to let you know that, also.

We will see if it flares up again. Thanks so much for answering my questions and caring about my daughter, also. It will stay with me for a long time.

May you feel blessed and loved. Have a great day!! Take Care!!

Jennifer P
Sunnyvale, United States
Hip bursitis

Hi Toky,

Thank you for the prompt delivery of Patches. They arrived early Tuesday morning.

My wife used one last night on her hip and was surprised to find this morning that it was damp. There was a marked decrease in pain in the bursitis area. Of course, it is far too early to judge results yet, but the signs are encouraging so early. We will let you know later how the treatment performs over time. The location in the hip area will be a very good test, being so deep-seated.

Thanks again,

Kindest regards

Bob & Marjorie B
NSW, Australia
Bursitis in the hip

I have always been a very active person over the years. A couple of years ago I developed quite a discomfort in my left hip. I attempted to ignore it, but after much deliberation went to see a doctor. After scans it was diagnosed as bursitis. I went for cortisone injections twice, but it really did not ease the pain much.

After coming across the OSMO patch website, not having anything to lose, I immediately ordered 10 of the patches. I placed a patch on the affected hip for a total of three nights. I was absolutely stunned that after the third application, the pain in my hip had disappeared. It was a few weeks before I actually needed to reapply any more patches due to a small amount of pain returning. I assume that the problem will always be there, however, it is very comforting to know that the OSMO patches are available so that you can virtually live pain-free.

Extremely happy that I stumbled on the website.

Bruce M
WA, Australia
Hip Bursitis

Thank you so much for your reply,

My delayed response is also due to our holiday which, thanks to OSMO patch, was more comfortable!

I have recommended the use of these patches to several of my associates as I am very happy with the results.


Tina C
Auckland, New Zealand
Hip bursitis

I have been suffering from bursitis in my right hip since last August.

I saw your website and ordered 20 patches. I used a patch for 3 nights and didn’t notice much difference, and there was just a slight amount of fluid in the patches each night.

Last night I moved the patch a little and I couldn’t believe it this morning! The patch was soaked with fluid, so much that it was starting to ooze from the patch.

My hip felt much better this morning.

Thank you

Linda S
California, United States
Hip bursitis

Hi Toky,

I have received my patches and used one last night on my hip. It’s an absolute miracle!!

I have been suffering on and off for 3 years with Bursitis on my left hip. My GP has given me cortisone injections and anti-inflammatories, both of which have given some relief but not lasted and certainly not to this effect. I am due to have physio in the near future also.

I appreciate it has not cured the cause, but at least now I can work on that without the constant pain, and worse off all the lack of sleep.

A big thank you

Debbie S
East Sussex, United Kingdom
Hip bursitis


Just to let you know, I had bursitis so bad in my hip I was missing work.

A co-worker had some of your patches and told me how well it worked for him. In four days the pain in my hip was all gone.

I don’t know what magic is in those, but thank you.

Connie H
Colorado, United States
Hip problems


I had a sore hip muscle at the back of my hip. The Dr. said we will drain the fluid out then give you a Cortisone shot. I said no way my hip was so sore it was painful sitting and going up stairs.

I ordered your patches and the first night they came I applied it, the next morning the powder was hard, I guess from being wet. As soon as I stood on it, no PAIN, I woke up my wife and said it works.

It is still a little sore, when you sit. But it’s 99% better.

Ray W
Ontario, Canada
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